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Townsend Area Volunteer Fire Department
Serving the Peaceful Side of the Smokies

What is the name of the responding fire department, contact information, and fire protection class?Name = Townsend Area Volunteer Fire Department Phone Number = Always 911 for Emergencies Contact = Protection Class = 6X
What about your personnel, station and apparatus information?Personnel = All members of the TAVFD are volunteers. There are no full-time or live-in employees. Stations = The TAVFD has four stations. Apparatus: Two engines/pumpers: Engine 1 = 1250 GPM, Engine 2 = 750 GPM Two tankers: Each tanker holds 2000 gallons.
What about water sources?In addition to the water carried by the engines/pumpers, TAVFD's two tankers hold 2,000 gallons each. Hydrants are also located throughout Townsend that are available year-round. There are no dry hydrants.
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